PA Dutch Live!

Join the fun each month with the only livestream show on the internet dealing with all things PA Dutch! Each episode includes an interview with someone about a topic that is PA Dutch related. Every month will also include a PA Dutch poem and song. Each episode streams to my YouTube channel and the PA Dutch 101 Facebook page.

Check out previous episodes below:

April 2024: This month Lisa Minardi will be joining us to tell us all about Historic Trappe and the famous Muhlenberg family. We will be reaching back to our colonial beginnings and the beginnings of our great nation. Our poem in PA Dutch is “Die Amschel” by Salli Holsbock and highlight the song “Schlof, Bobbeli, Schlof” performed by Erich and Erin Mace.

March 2024: This month we welcome Geoff and Claire Weiss, creators behind the website “A Pennsylvania Dutch Table.” We discuss their process and how they go about telling the story of PA Dutch food. Our PA Dutch language bit will be about PD Easter/Holy Week traditions and our song will be “Blohbariyer” by Scott Reagan.

February 2024: This month we welcome on to the show Becky LaBarre, director of the Renfrew Museum and Park located in Waynesboro, PA. Becky will be telling us all about Renfrew’s history and what is currently going on. Our poem is “Die Faasnacht” by D. G. Knecht.

January 2024: This month we welcome Abigail Appleman on the show. She teaches us all about flax and how our ancestors took the plant from seed to linen to clothes. It was a fascinating presentation. Our poem is “Der Yenner” by John Birmelin and our song is “Deitsche Gospel” by John Schmid.

December 2023: This month we welcome Craig Benner on the show. He will be discussing the history and story of the Ephrata Cloister. Craig gives us a brief history of the Reformation and how the leader of the cloister viewed our relationship with God. Our poem is “Der Belsnickel” by John Birmelin.

November 2023: This month we welcome Richard Mammana on the show. He will be discussing the years of research that he has done surrounding PA Dutch Tombstones. He will discuss the art, folklore, and linguistic aspects associated with these old stones. Our poem is “Der Betdaag iss widder do” by Florence Baver.

October 2023: This month we welcome Lynn Otto back on the show. Lynn tells us all about the Forts of the Blue Mountains that were in use in the 1750s. Our PA Dutch poem is “‘Sis Schpotyaahr” by Ralph Funk and our song is “The Story of Susanna Cox” performed by Keith Brinztenhoff and Mike Hertzog.

September 2023: This month we welcome Sarajane Williams on the show. Sarajane will be telling us all about the fine work that the Lower Macungie Historical Society does as well as their upcoming film on Fries Rebellion. Our PA Dutch poem will be “Sauerkraut” by Louise Weitzel and our song will be “Simple Gifts” performed by Sarajane Williams on the harp.

August 2023: In this month’s episode we welcome Ed Johnson onto the show. Ed is very active with the Goschenhoppen Historians. He tells us about all things Goschenhoppen and introduce us to the Henry Antes house and property. Our PA Dutch language segment will be covering some old PA Dutch superstitions and our song this month will be “Waerd der Greis ungebroche?” performed by the Broken Spokes.

July 2023: In this month’s episode we welcome Carly Schmidt, Museum Educator, of the Peter Wentz Farmstead. Carly tells us all about the history of the house and property and its unique tie to George Washington. Our monthly poem is: “Der viert Tschulei” by Louise A. Weitzel. Our song is a performance of “Sie kummt rum der Barig” by Keith Brintzenhoff.

June 2023: In this month’s episode we welcome back Heather Zimmerman, director of the Kutztown Folk Festival. We will be speaking about what you can expect at this year’s Folk Festival. We will also hear from Dave Kline, head of entertainment for the Folk Festival. Dave will be telling us about all of the various performers you will be able to see. Our poem this month is “Es Hausgebutz” written by Louise A. Weitzel. Our song is a performance of “Schnitzelbank” by students at Willow Lane Elementary School in Macungie.

May 2023: In this month’s episode we welcome Carol Dieffenbach Kantner on to the show. Carol tells us all about the 300th Anniversary of the Tulpehocken Territory and all that is planned for the year long celebration. Our poem is: “Im Moi” by John Birmelin and our song is “Der Kaschebaam” performed by the Broken Spokes.

April 2023: This month’s episode we welcome Candace Perry onto the show. Candace will be talking all about the Schwenkfelders, a religious sect found in south-eastern PA. Our poem will be “Der Piewie iss do” by Arthur Wuchter and our song will be “Yerusalem mei frehlich heemet” performed by the Broken Spokes.

March 2023: In this month’s episode we welcome Dr. Josh Brown on the show. Josh tells us all about PA Dutch Civil War letters based on research that he has done. Our poem for the month is: “Es Friehyaahrs Lied” by H. Fisher and our song is the original: “They Crossed that Great Ocean.”

February 2023: This month we welcome Dan Roe on the show to tell us all about the history of the Gruber Wagon Works in Berks County, PA. We will read a Valentine’s Day poem by Solly Hulsbuck and our song is “Eckville Saturday Night” performed by Dave Kline! Learn more about the Gruber Wagon Works!

January 2023: This month’s episode we welcome Robert Schreiwer on the show to discuss Urglaawe. We discuss its roots, its current practice, and its ties to the PA Dutch culture and language. Our poem is “Der Schnee” by Ralph Funk and our song is “Edelweiss” in PA Dutch of course!

December 2022: This month is our annual Grischtdaag / Christmas episode. It will feature YOU! Anyone will be able to join the stream and talk about their PA Dutch Christmas traditions. We will cover topics like Advent Wreaths, der Belsnickel, the Putz and much more. I will be doing a live on-air reading of Die Nacht vor der Grischtdaag (Twas the night before Christmas) in PA Dutch. It will also be a musically rich show with songs by the Gustavsons, Günter Mannweiler, and myself.

November 2022: In this month’s episode we welcome Martha Kuhns on to the show. Martha will be telling us all about the famous 1809 hanging of Susanna Cox in Reading, PA. Martha tells Susanna’s story yearly at the Kutztown Folk Festival at the Gallows Stage. Our PA Dutch lesson will cover vocabulary for November and Thanksgiving. Our song this month is “Hei Li Hei Lo” by our friends, The Gustavsons.

October 2022: In this month’s episode I welcome artist, Jeff Marks, on to the show. We will discuss his art, especially his PA Dutch themed watercolors. You have to see them to believe them! Our PA Dutch lesson will be vocabulary associated with October and Halloween. Our song will be the Miller Brothers’ rendition of “Flieg Aadler Flieg,” the Philadelphia Eagles’ fight song sung in PA Dutch! Visit Jeff Mark’s Etsy Shop!

September 2022: In this month’s episode we welcome Lara Thomas and Les Rohrbach from the Berks County Association of Graveyard Preservation to discuss the important work that they do. Our poem for the month is a brand new original: “Eefachheit” by Michael Clay and our PA Dutch song is “Pennsylvania Dutch Girl” by the Crow Hill Bluegrass Band! Learn more about the Berks County Association for Graveyard Preservation!

August 2022: This month you get to be the guest! We will feature a live “call-in” episode where you the audience, get to participate. We will discuss PA Dutch summer memories! Our PA Dutch Poem is: “Der Aagscht” by Gladys Martin. Our PA Dutch Song is: “Wer gut lewe will.”

July 2022: This month we welcome Lynn Otto, an expert on the era of the French and Indian War. He will be discussing the life and times of one of our most famous PA Dutchmen: Conrad Weiser. Our PA Dutch language piece will be the “Pledge of Allegiance” and our song will be “Ich un Du” recorded live at the Kutztown Folk Festival.

June 2022: In this month’s episode we welcome Bradley Smith, archivist at the Berks History Center on to the show. We will be discussing all that the Berks History Center has to offer as well as its PA Dutch artifacts. Our PA Dutch Poem is “Daadi” by Louise Weitzel and our PA Dutch Song is “Hinkel Bot Boi”

May 2022: We welcome Heather Zimmerman, director of the Kutztown Folk Festival, on to the show this month. We will be previewing the upcoming Folk Festival and will be learning about all of the new events that will be at the festival this year. Our PA Dutch poem is “Muddergraab” by John Birmelin and our PA Dutch song is “Zu lang (bin schunn weg)”

April 2022: In this month’s episode we welcome Dr. Cynthia Falk to the show. Dr. Falk is the author of: “Architecture and Artifacts of the Pennsylvania Germans.” Our PA Dutch poem is: “Oschdere” by F. Brunner and our PA Dutch song is: “Yerusalem, mei freehlich Heemet.”

March 2022: In this month’s episode we welcome Ben Rader to the show. Ben is a PA Dutch artist and musician. We will be discussing his art and listening to some of his awesome new music. Ben’s art and music both push the definition of what PA Dutch culture is supposed to look like and sound like.

February 2022: In this month’s episode we welcome back our good friend, Rachel Yoder. Rachel recently published the book: “Pennsylvania Dutch Design: A History of Kitsch, Folkart, and More.” We will be discussing her new book and just what is the deal with PA Dutch kitsch! Our language lesson will be PA Dutch words associated with February and our song of the month will be the brand new piece: “Alt Grundsau” written by Dave Kline and Doug Madenford.

January 2022: In this month’s livestream, we welcome Jim Beidler to the show. Jim is a well-known genealogist with multiple publications. We will be talking about all things genealogy, dead ancestors, and the constant search of our familial roots. This month’s poem and song will be the late Peter Fritsch performing a traditional PA Dutch New Year’s Wish.

December 2021: This month is a special episode dedicated to all things Christmas. We will look at various PA Dutch Christmas traditions, learn some PA Dutch vocabulary associated with Christmas and sing “O Grischtdaags Baam” (O Christmas Tree) in PA Dutch. You, the viewer, will also be able to join the fun by “calling in” to the livestream! Hallicher Grischtdaag!

November 2021: In this month’s episode we welcome Terry Berger on the show. We discuss his Moravian background and his passion for cooking traditional PA Dutch food. We also discuss what our PA Dutch Thanksgiving tables look like. PA Dutch table prayer for Thanksgiving is given and our PA Dutch Song is: “Es Beddaag Lied”

October 2021: In this month’s episode we welcome Brian Riegel of the Hamburg Area Historical Society on the show. He will be talking about the history of the King Frost Parade. PA Dutch Poem – A list of various PA Dutch idioms and our PA Dutch Song is an original – “Leave Her, Tschonny, Leave Her”

September 2021: This month’s episode features a conversation with Heather Zimmerman, the director of the Kutztown Folk Festival. Our PA Dutch Poem is: “Des Alt Achteckich Schulhaus” by Thomas Rhoads and our PA Dutch Song is: “O Pennsylvanisch Land wie schee”

August 2021: This month we are joined by Amy Strauss to discuss her book: Pennsylvania Scrapple: A Delectable History. Our PA Dutch poem is: “Es Lattwarrick koche” by L.L. Grumbine and our PA Dutch song is: “Bunker Hill.”

July 2021: This month we are joined by Dr. Paul D. Nelson to discuss his book: Fries’s Rebellion: The Enduring Struggle for the American Revolution. Our PA Dutch piece is “The Pledge of the Allegiance” and our PA Dutch song is: “Amerikaa.”

June 2021: This month we are joined by Michael Madaio to discuss his book: Lost Mount Penn: Wineries, Railroads and Resorts of Reading. Our PA Dutch poem is “Hochzich Daag” by Charles A. Butz and our PA Dutch song is: “Mei Vadder un Mudder sin Deitsch.”

May 2021: This month we sit down with Nic Stolzfus to discuss his family history and the historic 1771 Nicholas Stolzfus Homestead in Berks County, PA. The PA Dutch poem is “En Daaler Uffschpaare” by Peter V. Fritsch and our PA Dutch song is: “Daheem uff der alt Bauerei.”

April 2021: This month we are joined by PA Dutch artist, Rachel Yoder, onto the show! We will be discussing folk art of the PA Dutch and highlighting her work in particular. The PA Dutch poem is: “Abrill” by Edwin Gehman Weber and our PA Dutch song is: “Sie kummt rum die Barrick.”

March 2021: This month we welcome back my friend, Patrick Donmoyer. We will be discussing various PA Dutch traditions associated with the Eastertide as well as a shout out to St. Gertrude. The PA Dutch poem is: “Oschder” by Elfrieda Weaver and our PA Dutch song is: “Yesus hald mich bei em Greiz.”

February 2021: This month we welcome Dr. Bill Donner, professor of anthropology at Kutztown University, to the show. We will discuss all things Groundhog Day with special attention to Groundhog Lodges. The PA Dutch poem is: “Faastnachkuche” by Edwin Gehman Weber and our PA Dutch song is: “Grundsau, Grundsau, du bischt alles.”

January 2021: Welcome to our very first episode of PA Dutch Live! This month we welcome Patrick Donmoyer on to the show to discuss New Year’s Traditions among the Pennsylvania Dutch! The PA Dutch poem is: “Nei Yaahr” by. H. Horace Romig and our PA Dutch song is: “Alt laeng sei.”

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