Douglas J. Madenford (1980 – ) is an internationally recognized award winning author, musician, educator, and performer, who grew up on a small farm in Centre Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. As a child he spent a of lot time with both sets of his grandparents, who were native Pennsylvania Dutch speakers. He was also lucky that both of his parents were also raised with the language. This experience would influence his future academic and personal pursuits. This site is an avenue to help people, regardless of where they live, learn about our beautiful language, rich culture, and extensive history. Our main goal is to help preserve our language for future generations to come.

Outside of PA Dutch, he is a father, husband, teacher, musician, and avid motorcyclist. He and his wife are currently raising their two children, Estella and Oscar, bi-lingually in both English and PA Dutch. Doug teaches high school German and history in the Keystone Central School District and is also an adjunct instructor of German at the Pennsylvania State University. He plays mandolin in a small folk band, The Broken Spokes, and loves to use music to teach about culture and history. When any free time is available and the weather is favorable, you might see him on Käthe, his trusty BMW R1200RT motorcycle.

To learn more about Doug’s academic background and publications, please check out his Curriculum Vitae below:

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