PA Deitsche “Aerschde”!

Ass viel vun eich schunn wisst, unsere PA Deitsche Gschicht geht dief in re Gschicht vun unsrem Land, Amerikaa. Awwer, hett dihr gewisst ass es viel PA Deitsche “Aerschde” gewwe? Ya, es gebt! Do iss en katze Lischt vun yuscht ee paar wichdiche PA Deitsche “Aerschde”.

Der aerschde Schwetzer vun em Haus, der Frederick Muhlenberg, waar erwaehlt uff em 1. Abrill, 1789, der Daag ass es Haus hot sich georganized mit dem Aafang vun re aerschde Congress.

Der aerschde Continental Geldhewwer waar der Michael Hillegas.

Im Yaahr 1688 der aerschde Versuch um Sklaverei wegzuschmeisse waare vun dem Francis Daniel Pastorius, dem Gerhard Hendricks, dem Dirck op den Graeff un dem Abraham op den Graeff gemacht.

PA Deitsche Soldaade waare mit de aerschde Troops dem George Washington bei Cambridge noch dem Schlacht vun Lexington zu dreffe un ihre Noochkumme waare mit de aerschde Soldaade Lincoln sei Uffruf im 1861 zu andwadde.

Der George Washington waar aerschd benaamt ass “Der Daadi vun seim Land” in en deitsche Kalenner gedrickt in Lancaster im 1779.

Die aerschde rechde Rechling vun dem Distance vun re Aerd zu re Sunn waar vun dem David Rittenhouse im 1769 gezaehlt.

Die Welt ihre aerschde Sunndaags Schul waar vun dem Ludwig Hocker in Ephrata gegrindt.

Wie dihr sehne kennt, hemmer viel uff was mer schtolz sei kenne. Die PA Deitsche waare do vun em Aafang aa un mir sin immernoh do. Gebt es eppes die vun re Lischt fehlt? Loss mich mol wisse in re Comment Section!

Do iss en Audio Klip:

As many of you already know, our PA Dutch history goes deep into the history of our country, America. But, did you know that there are many “firsts” that the PA Dutch did? Here is a short list of just a few important PA Dutch “Firsts”.

The first speaker of the house, Frederick Muhlenberg, was elected on the 1st of April, 1789, the day the House organized itself at the start of the 1st. Congress.

The first Continental treasurer was Michael Hillegas.

In 1688 the first effort in America to overthrow slavery was made by Francis Daniel Pastorius, Gerhard Hendricks, Dirck op den Graeff and Abraham op den Graeff.

PA Dutch soldiers were among the first troops to meet George Washington at Cambridge after the battle of Lexington and their descendants were among the first soldiers to answer Lincoln’s call in 1861.

George Washington was first called “Father of his Country” in a German almanac printed in Lancaster in 1779.

The first accurate calculation of the distance from the earth to the sun was made by David Rittenhouse in 1769.

The world’s first Sunday School was organized by Ludwig Hocker in Ephrata.

As you can see, we have a lot to be proud of. The PA Dutch were here from the beginning and we are still here. Is there something that is missing from the list? Let me know in the comment section!

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